Discover the best recent shorts in 3D and how the technology can enhance different animation techniques, from CGI to drawings.
Films feature acrobatic animals, playdough characters, and a trip inside a village clock among others.
5 mètres 80
Nicolas Deveaux, 2013. 5 min. No dialogue
The little blond boy with a white sheep
Eloi Henriod, 2013. 3 min.
In French with English subtitles.
Table Bob
Victor Haegelin, 2010. 3 min. No dialogue.
Ghost Cell
Antoine Delacharlery, 2015. 6 min. No dialogue.
Time Out
Yannick Violin, 2015. 6 min. No dialogue.
Mr Hublot
Alexandre Espigares & Laurent Witz, 2013. 11 min.
No dialogue.
Curated by François Serre, director of Courant 3D, Short Films in 3D and VR in Angoulême and programmer of new technologies for the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival and Interfilm Berlin.